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Eventlines are ongoing server storylines, below you will see what ones are currently ongoing!

Varyg Eventline

A mighty warlord rose to power, seemingly out of nowhere, he declares domination over the free peoples! and as a result a resistance has formed, Lord Varyg appears to siphon he power from a strange Ring, granting him superhuman capabilities, and he has vowed to gift it to his successor, a valiant warrior under his command.

On the other side, the Free Fighters attempt to fight his tyranny and contain this strange power!


Rise of the Necromancer

A player who gathered the 4 void books, unlocked the forgotten knowledge, and permanently corrupted his soul...

Faction Functions:

  • Cant fully control land, instead can only 'occupy' it, however region buffs only apply if you fully control a region.
  • You can raze cities to gain their resources one time + a undead civilian summon | Tier 1-3 (Outpost, Fort - Settlement - City, Capital).
  • Nobody outside the Faction can fight for the undead, the Undead may not fight for anyone else other than themselves.
  • Always at war with bordering factions. If the Necromancer loses all his land, the Necromancer Dies.
  • Graverift, at the cost of 6 stacks of gulduril blocks you may expand a graverift, they must be atleast 5 provinces apart. They give the Undead Faction control over the province. (Cannot be placed on provinces with towns) (Graverifts, can not be expanded if another grave rift is under attack)
  • Can not build new towns, but can settle in existing 'razed' towns, can not add any new buildings except the 3 special 'Undead' buildings
  • All buildings under this factions controls do not require any farming buildings, instead they require 'Temple of the Necrophyte'
  • This faction may not use any Monetary, Military, Prosperity, Embassy, Trader or Farm buildings in its towns.
  • Members of this faction may only use the equipment of the factions they occupy.
Name Descripotion Effect Limit
Gravesite A site where bodies have been piled up, lots of waste blocks, bone and skulls Produces 8 stacks of Bones, 4 stacks of Flesh 2 per City
Mausoleum A crypt holding the dead. Can bring +1 Undead Elite 1 per City
Temple of the Necrophyte A sacrificial temple, with piles of bodies and waste all around. Provides 2 Farms worth of prereqs 1 per City

Roles and abilities:


  • Books of the Void
  • Bound staff, used to summon 10 skeletons + 1 for any mob kill during war.
  • At 3 Undead Sprawl gain "Raise Dead" | For each stack of bones in the inventory, summon 2 skeletons, for every stack of rotten flesh summon 2 zombies at target location.
  • At 5 Undead Sprawl gain "Void Wraith" | For each singular durnor summon 2 Void Wraiths (Max 8), and -1 Health boost level (-2 hearts) for 20 minutes (This can bring you down to 1 heart if not careful)
  • At 8 Undead Sprawl gain "Return Hero" | Able to 'resurrect' Characters that the necromancer or his generals have killed, the Character replaces one of the Undead Wight slots, and Keeps Bounds and Abilities, Invasion/Rally Horns are Turned into one time (Meaning, once they are used they are not given ever again) use Summons, and all Summon abilities are converted into a weaker but undead form, and given to the Necromancer. These characters can be resurrected even if they were killed prior to the "Return Hero" ability being unlocked, All Resurrect-able characters are marked with a "♠" Symbol by their name. Once this character is dead, it cannot be resurrected by the Necromancer again. The Character if resurrected has the same amount of lives (1) as the Wight Generals.

Wight General:

  • Bound Cursed Blade
  • Collects souls for the Necromancer for every kill.
  • Mend Self | Spend 128 bones to gain a full set of maxed bone armor

Undead Sprawl

  • For every 2 settlements razed +1 Undead Sprawl
  • For every 1 city/capital razed +1 Undead Sprawl
Character Player Cost Lives
Necromancer Emerald_Minestar - ♠♠♠♠
Wight General 1 -- 4 stacks of Gulduril, and 6 stacks of Bone Blocks

Past Eventlines
Title Main Characters Side that won Details
Utumno Invasion Horde of Utumno Non-Utumno The hells of Utumno have opened, and spewed the hordes of hell into middle earth, attacking various locations.
Rise of the Necromancer Necromancer The Living A necromancer has risen in the barrow downs, wreaking havoc on the living, razing cities and raising the dead.