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Recognized Stronghold

A Recognized Stronghold is very important. Strongholds are used to protect Countries provinces from invaders. To seize a province, your enemy must conquer all of your Recognized Strongholds in that province. To get your Stronghold Recognized, you must get a Builder or higher to inspect your build to decide if it meets the requirements or not.

Strongholds consume 1 Crop Farm

There is a maximum of 3 Strongholds/Towns per Province

Integrated Stronghold

An integrated stronghold is one that is built within a town and can act as the Governing Structure, They consume 1 Province Slot but grant +1 Field Battle. Or if the player decides, they can be apart of the Town and not take up a slot. But it wont provide an additional battle.

Standalone Stronghold

A stronghold that sits on its own, takes up a province slot and provides its usual siege battle taking priority over city siege battles.


Name Description Effect
Aesthetic Requirement The Stronghold must have good aesthetics and must be realistic. It is up to the Staff member's evaluation of your fortress if it passes this requirement. N/A
Siege-able Requirement The stronghold should be siege-able. (ex: No 200 block towers especially if they got no support, no flying fortresses etc). Those who are recognizing will determine if it is siege-able. N/A
x3 Structures (Optional) A stronghold has the capacity to hold 3 structures, of course making sure the structure meets all requirements located in Settlements N/A
Front Gate/ Gatehouse It needs a front gate that is at least 4 blocks high and 3 blocks wide. N/A
Walls It needs good looking walls that are 6 blocks tall minimum, Can have multiple layers of walls Each Layer lets you add 1 Siege-able Gate (Mountains excluded)
Main Structure/ Keep A structure with no interior requirement, can be a castle or tower. (Will be modified in the future) N/A
Garrison A barracks consists of at least 10 beds, and 10 chests. This can be part of a main structure or it can also be tents Outside/ Inside Gives a Garrison Spawner for the fort (Max 5)
Granary A warehouse consists of at least 8 chests, a crafting table (any kind). N/A
Water Source can be a well, water storage (bunch of barrels with water), or a Water Tower. N/A
Stables (Optional) A structure that houses at the minimum of 3 of the factions mounts Upgrades 1 garrison spawner to be mounted troops (max 2)
Turrets/ Towers (Optional) Towers attached to walls or a general structure that allow defenders to overlook from a higher area. Not Required for Mountain Forts
Encampment (Optional) A camp with 10 tents each with a bed and a chest, near the camps 2 campfires, Can be located outside the Stronghold Allows the fort to have +1 Garrison Spawner, (max 4)
Siege Defense Station (Optional) A 6x6 Building filled with 7 chests, 3 Crafting tables and 2 Reed baskets. Piles of Bricks and logs nearby. Allows the defenders of the stronghold to use 64 cobble and 128 planks to reconstruct damage during war.
Moats/ Ditch (Optional) A ditch or moat around the fortress for protection. It cannot be deeper than 8 blocks and 6 blocks wide. The ditch may contain stalagmites. If it's a moat then it must be filled with water (Lava is not permitted) N/A

Other Rules/Info 

- Your Recognized Stronghold must meet all the requirements even after being recognized.

- If you wish to have a minefield (bombs under pressureplates) you can have a maximum of 2-3 bombs per chunk (This includes Make-shift forts)

- Gates will be changed to a different block during war. (Depending on what the gate is made of, Iron Portcullis = Iron bars, Wooden gate = Iron Blocks and Wood Blocks)

- Towers if over 30 blocks tall must have a staircase instead of a ladder

- You may not add the following to your Stronghold:

  • Lava
  • Obsidian
  • You cannot have walls filled with water (try keep things realistic)
  • If there is a NON SOLID block (Stairs, walls, fence, bars) blocking a rope to climb up, the player is allowed to punch through, Players can also punch through battlements on top of walls if war host will allow it.