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Religions are mainly for roleplay, these have 0 Effect on factions or characters.

The Old Pantheon

Religion Description Followers
Ainulindalë 'The Great Song' A well established and concrete belief where the Ainur have sand the world into creation, with Eru Illuvitar as its great architect, the Belief would then branch out to certain cultures setting specific Valar on a pedestal, such as Dwarves exalting Aule as their chief creator, or the Ents with Yavanna as the mother of Nature. All Free-Folk factions see this belief as straight fact, with a long history of the Valar intervening and showing the proof of their existence.
Cult of Melkor A corrupt and diverged faith, worshipped by evil men and orc alike, Usually involves plenty of blood sacrifice to try and appease Melkor. A powerful valar who betrayed the great song, and brought evil into the world. Mostly kept to remote regions such as the Gulf, Pertorogwaith, and some locations within the Southern Jungles, as this Cult was mostly subsumed by Saurons new Cult.
Cult of Mahal A divergence of Ainulindalë, exalting Aulë, known as Mahal (Maker) by the Dwarves, This Valar wished to pass down his knowledge to his own pupil instead of waiting for the Children of Illuvitar to awake. Believed by all Dwarves, petty ones as well, for Mahal is the one who made them, even if some dwarves turn to greed and allegiance with darker forces, Mahal remains their creator.

The New Gods

Religion Description Followers
Cult of Sauron A newly formed faith, with Sauron as its chief god, who demands nothing but utter servitude, this cult has formed once Sauron has resurfaced and subsumed most of Melkors followers into his own cult. Most if not all Orcs follow this cult, alongside many Human nations who have either been bribed into allegiance with Sauron, or Convinced to believe Sauron as a new god to follow.
The Great Serpent A belief that is slowly dwindling away with Saurons interference, where it is Believed a Great Serpent slumbers below the world, awaiting to devour the Sun at the beginning of the End of Days. Many Southrons still believe this, mostly nomads as Saurons and Melkors cult have mainly converted most away from this belief
The Great Lion A belief formed in the Savannas, where the tribes in the south believe that a great battle will come, where the Great Lion will awake and deliver its people to victory before devouring the world itself. Most Morwaith still believe in this, however many tribes have turned to civil strife as some believe Sauron to be a false prophet.
The Sunken Ones A faith not heard by most, mainly kept within the mangroves of far harad, this strange pantheon believes in three Sunken gods, the one who lords over the Reefs, seen as benevolent, and a caretaker of life. The one who lords over the Mires, who is most worshiped by the Limwaith tribes as this one is the one who brings disease and the circle of life into their peoples lives. The one who lords over the Abyss, who is most feared as the abyss of the Sea is dark and unknown, leaving plenty for the tribes to imagine of what lurks below. This faith is reserved for the Limwaith who have kept this faith strong within their peoples.

Legendary Characters

Religion Description Followers