(Archived) Capital City

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These Cities represent the central point of a faction that produces a good amount of Political Power that doesn't get affected by Authority or Vassalship.

You can only Build one Capital City Per Faction.

Mandatory Requirements:

  • Aesthetically Pleasing - Capital City must look good and realistic. More demanding than Towns. It is up to the Staff member evaluation of your settlement if it passes this requirement.
  • 15 Houses - These houses must look like they belong to wealthy people, they must be 5x5 (Inside) Contain Furniture, 2 Beds, 1 Barrel, 2 Chests, 1 Furnace, a Window. If you are building an orcish city, they don't have to look fancy, but must look like an orc lives there.
    • 8 Manors - These houses belong to the richest of the city. Must look exceptionally wealthy and be at least 10x10 (Inside) with 5x10 Courtyard. The manors must have at least 2 bedrooms (2 Beds, 1 Large chest, Window) and 2 other rooms (One if which must contain Furnace, 2 Chests, 2 Barrels). Manors reduce 10 Points from optional requirements. Houses can be replaced with these if slums are replaced with houses.
  • 20 Slums - These homes are for the poor folk in on your city, they must contain 1 Bed, 1 Barrel, 1 Chest and a Controlled fire in the ground.
    • 20 Houses - These houses must look like they belong to wealthy people, they must be 5x5 (Inside) Contain Furniture, 2 Beds, 1 Barrel, 2 Chests, 1 Furnace, If you are building an orcish city, they don't have to look fancy, but must look like an orc lives there. Slums can be replaced with these if houses are replaced with manors.
  • Citadel - It must contain a main throne room, with two Large Dining Tables, A Kitchen in a separate room, and a storehouse also in a separate room with 6 Chests, 3 Barrels and 2 Crafting Tables. It should look like something Royalty would live in.
  • Walls - The walls must surround the city. They must be 6 Blocks tall, Minimum of 2 blocks thick and maximum of 4 blocks thick, If you have walls you must have at most 3 entrance gates, 3x2 tall and wide. If the city is inside a mountain you can only have maximum of 2 gates. (If you built inside a mountain you are not required to have walls IF ALL BUILDINGS ARE INSIDE THE MOUNTAIN.)

Optional Requirements:

Your capital must reach 80 Points worth of buildings:

- Farm & Farmhouse: 2 Points | You can have a maximum of 10 Farms, each must have 90 Crop, A house to store your crops. It must be a minimum of 3x3(inside) and contain 2 chests a bed and a crafting table (Chests must contain some crops inside) These can be built outside walls.

- Market: 5 points | Only max 1 market per city, you must have a minimum of 3 Market stalls, each 3x3 (inside) and each must contain some blocks relevant to a trader (Ores, Logs, Furnace + Kebab stand)

- Blacksmith: 6 Points | Max 1 per city. A smithy must look like a proper smithy, with a forge, anvil, armor stand and maybe some weapon racks, This will allow a Smith to be spawned for $5K of your faction.

- Trade Post: 5 Points | Max 2 per city. It must look like a certain type of tradesman lives in it, if a bakery then should look like a bakery, Can be a carpenter, miner, anything that would make sense for a trader.

- Tavern/ Inn: 8 Points | Max 1 Per city, should have a main bar area and with at least 4 rooms for travelers with a bed and chest.

- Harbor: 10 Points | Must be very big, able to hold very large ships, and look like a proper Harbor or Dockyard, if you want an idea for how one looks go to Umbar Waypoint at the City.

- Library (Non orc/ tribal factions only): 5 Points | Must look like a library, with a large amount of bookshelves, tables and chairs.

- Armory: 5 Points | Max 1 per city, must have 5 full armor stands and 5 full weapon racks. (Faction Related Gear) it can be built attached to the Town Hall/ Castle, or the Barracks. Allows an npc spawner to be made in the city, for limited amount of npcs

- Barracks: 5 Points | Max 1 per city, Requires 8 beds in a barracks with 8 chests, these are guards of the town and will allow a Commander to be spawned (Commander Costs $5k).

- Storehouse: 6 Points | Max 1 per City, The storehouse must be a minimum 5x5 and contain 4 double chests, 2 barrels, and a crafting table of your choice.

- Stables: 5 Points | Max 1 per city, The stables must have ridable animals natural to the biome, you must have at least 3 animals there with a saddle.

- Warg Pit (Orc factions only): 5 Points | Max 1 per city. Very similar to the stables, you can copy the look from natural generated warg pits. Must have 3 ridable wargs with saddles.

- Animal Pen/ Barn: 5 Points | Max 1 per city. An animal pen or barn must have at least 5 tamed animals located in it, and should be a large building. (Spiders count as animals, you can add some webs into some pit for them)

- Mine/ Quarry (Dwarves only): 5 Points | Max 1 per city. A mine that goes deep into the earth, you can grab ideas from Dwarven spawned mines, but please no bottomless pit with no way up or down.

- Bathhouse (Dorwinion, Gondor Only): 5 Points | Max 1 per city. You can use bathhouse ideas from the Dorwinion bathhouses, which is basically a pool with a ceiling.

- Temple: 8 Points | Max 1 per city, your religion must allow you to build temples, requirements are dependent on the nature of your religion.

- Brewery: 6 Points | Max 1 per city, A building with multiple barrels filled with drinks that would make sense for the faction. Minimum of 12 Barrels.

- Additional 10 Houses: 10 Points

- Additional 10 Slums: 5 Points

- Additional layer of walls: 10 Points | These walls must be on the outskirts of the city, that surround everything in the city, they follow regular wall requirements of towns.