(Archived) Governments

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Governments are an addition to Authority, that give certain benefits to each type of governing.

The Governments are also listed under each type of Authority and if you are a certain level you can use the type of Government along with ones on lower levels.

Once you pick a Government you are unable to change it for 2 Months (you need every faction members permission to change it). Regular faction members can also cause a civil revolt to change the Government.

Authority One

Chiefdom [Authoritarian]

The Chief rules over his subjects fulfilling their wishes.

Benefits: Colonizing is Cheaper (50% Coin Cost)

Malice's: The King and his Subjects can only bring maximum of 7000 Alignment worth of troops

Shamanism [Benevolent]

Shamans rule over their villages in a benevolent or malicious religious authority. They show their people the way of Righteousness

Benefits: Stronghold upkeep is reduced to 5 Political Power

Malice's: You produce 10% less Political Power

Nomadic [Authoritarian]

The people constantly move around to new areas, usually led by the strongest person.

Benefits: You are able to declare war.

Malice's: Colonizing costs 50% more in both coins and Political Power

Authority Two

Theocratic Councilship [Authoritarian]

A council of religious figures rule the nation with "religious Intent".

Benefits: You produce 10% more Political Power

Malice's: Wars cost more Political Power (20 More)

Constitutional Monarchy [Benevolent]

A Monarch that is forced to listen to their peasants and agree with their demands.

Benefits: Wars are 20 Political power Cheaper

Malice's: You cannot declare wars without your subjects agreement.

Republic [Benevolent]

The Monarch is dead, the People rule the faction!

Benefits: Colonizing is cheaper (50% the Political Power and Coin cost)

Malice's: The leader gets elected every 2 Months, you cannot have heirs, and You produce 10% less Political Power.

Authority Three

Feudal Monarchy [Authoritarian]

The Lord of Lords who rule the Peasants.

Benefits: You get 10% more Political Power.

Malice's: Civil wars are 25% stronger.

Holy Tribunal [Authoritarian]

A group of priests rule with an Iron fist, quelling any heretic dissent.

Benefits: Civil wars are 25% weaker.

Malice's: Wars cost 20 Political power more.

Authority Four

Martial Dictatorship [Evil]

A group of powerful Military Leaders ruling over their subjects

Benefits: Wars are 50% Cheaper (Coin and PP wise)

Malice's: Colonizing is 50% more expensive (Coin and PP wise)

Plutocratic Oligarchy [Authoritarian]

A group of rich leaders ruling over their "Assets"

Benefits: Colonizing is 50% Cheaper (Coin and PP wise)

Malice's: Wars are 50% more expensive (Coin and PP wise)

Authority 5

Tyrannical Dictatorship [Evil]

A monarch that has gone mad with power, ruling over his people treating them like slaves.

Benefits: Wars cost 70% Less, Civil Revolts are 50% weaker

Malice's: Colonizing is 70% more expensive

Benevolent Utopia [Benevolent]

A benevolent leader has put all their subjects under what they believe are Utopian Standards, Every citizen is equal and treated Fairly.

Benefits: Colonizing costs no coins cost,

Malice's: Wars cost 50% more political power, Civil revolts are 25% stronger.

Special Government Types

Dark Despotism (Sauron/ Nazguls only) (Auth 5) [Evil]

A powerful and dark power has taken over a nation, ruling with an Iron Fist.

Benefits: Wars cost 50% Less Political Power, Civil Revolts are 70% Weaker, Independence revolts can only bring 50 points worth of troops

Malice's: Vassalize wars cost 20 more Political Power

Dark Vassalship (Nazguls Only) (Auth 3) [Evil]

A dark power has taken over a nation.

Benefits: Revolts are 50% Weaker, Purge Good CB's cost 50% less.

Malice's: It costs 50% more to Colonize (Coins and Political Power)

High Kingdom (Arnor Only) [Benevolent]

The rise of the High king of Arnor is upon us, the ancient empire rules once again!

Benefits: Colonizing in Enedwaith, Minhiriath, Lone-Lands, Eriador costs no Political Power, Wars against Evil factions is 50% less costly, You can use Basic Gondorian Troops (Not Fiefdom troops).

Malice's: You cant invade the shire, only vassalize them. You cant invade Freefolks factions except if its for a Special Event.

Haradric Mamlaka [Unknown]

(Unknown, Formation of Harad required)

Hive Mind [Unknown]

(Unknown, Rise of the Spider Queen required)