(Archived) Political Doctrines

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This system has been removed, this page only exists for Archive purposes


A Political Doctrine is a focus a faction chooses or is forced to choose. Some of these doctrines can give benefits other can give debuffs.

When a faction chooses a Doctrine it will show others what it is focusing on in that time period.

If your faction chooses a Doctrine it cannot change it for a Month, Meaning whatever debuffs or buffs they have they will be stuck with those for the time being.

All Vassals will be forced to follow their overlords Doctrine.

List Of Doctrines

Event Doctrines
Doctrine Name Description Buffs Debuffs Additional Info
Lands of the Snake Our people different from other nations, our culture different from others. We Trade pacts cost no upkeep or PP, Defensive wars the Kings under harad can bring an additional 50 Points of troops. None All Haradric factions must be Annexed or Vassalized,
The High Union Brothers and Sisters united in race united! Wars against non-elven factions cost no PP None High Elves must control Mithlond, and Rivendell directly or through vassalage
Arnorian Resurgence We are united as a People once more! We have fallen before but we will stand tall forevermore! Colonization costs no PP in Arnorian lore territory, Wars against their old enemy (Angmar) Costs no money None Arnor must control Fornost and Weathertop
Scourge of the Mountains The People of middle earth shall fear our hordes! Can have multiple leaders (Warlords) If captured a non-orc town can raze it to the ground! Wars cost no Money against non-orc nations Must designate Warlord-King to collect resources,

Orc Kings get a Rulerbound Helmet

If nazgul is King, Cannot have Warlords

Misty Mountain Orcs must control Mount Gundabad, the 2 Moria Provinces
Nomadic Raiding Clans We will pillage and burn the Stone Structure dwellers! Joining wars as Third Party only costs 1000 per player and can join wars outside that do not border them. Can raze cities Cannot construct Great Cities, Cannot use Siege weapons in a defensive siege, Can only use Cavalry troops Wainriders or Variags have been formed
Stewards of the Forest Will protect the forests, and march on those who raise their axe. Wars only cost money. Can volunteer with troops Cannot make diplomatic agreements (Alliances etc), Cannot build towns. Treebeard must exist in Fangorn
Easterling Might Nobody can hope to challenge the power of the East! Mounted units cost equal to their regular counterparts for players in Rhudel or its Empire. None Rhudel must hold 2 vassals.
Naval Scourge The Grey Demons have boats! Run everyone Run! Colonial Wargoal costs no Money, For every Ship you build you get a second copy, Can raze towns. None Shlang must be alive and claimed.
Restless Death The Dead rose and are not resting Wars cost Gulduril equivalent to how much it would cost in PP, Volunteering costs nothing. Members of the Faction can use Old Empires Gear (Arnorian, Rivendell, Lindon, Angmar, Gundabad) Players can use picked up gear in war.

Unaffected by Max Mount limit

Every town this faction conquers get razed: The Necromancer gets a Soul Crystal to summon a temporary undead army, and they get an army for defense (This stacks the more towns you raze)

Factions Bordering Barrow Downs have 25% of their Political Power stolen, Barrow downs can use stolen Political power to buy Armies (100pp per)

Cannot make pacts (Alliances etc) If annexed or vassalized the Barrows cease to Exist. Barrow Downs must be Independent
Dark Dominion The Dark Lord have begun his plans for Dominion of the world Wars cost nothing when declaring on good factions, can raze any non-evil town None Sauron must claimed, Must hold the East and west Osgiliath waypoints.
Old Glory The people of Gondor have reclaimed their glory! Wars cost no pp on History Gondor Enemies (Mordor, Harad mainly) None Denethor must be claimed, Must hold Harondor and Orthanc
Durins Kin The dwarves have retaken the misties, their home is restored once more. Can colonize OR attack any mountain province without any cost. Building max mithril mines may cause unwanted consequences Must hold Khazad-Dum and Gundabad
Reunited Kingdom The old Numenorean empire is on the rise. WIP WIP WIP
Ar-Adunaim The black Numenoreans have gotten their vengeance and resorted the old ways. WIP WIP WIP
Mirkwood Dominion UNDECIDED (WLR or DG) WIP WIP WIP
Lothlorien Restored WIP WIP WIP WIP
The Littlefolk WIP WIP WIP WIP
Tribes of the Edain WIP WIP WIP WIP
The Order restored WIP WIP WIP WIP
Empire of Forests WIP WIP WIP WIP
Lions Empire WIP WIP WIP WIP

*Players get +100% more points for troops. This amount is reduced by 10% for every member in empire.

Discontinued Doctrines
Doctrine Name Description Buffs Debuffs Additional Info
Infestation Whats yours is Mine, whats mine is Mine. All belong to the web. Captured Towns dont need to be updated to follow "Orcish Structure Requirements"

Expansion Wars cost no Political Power.

Can only use Spider and Spider Rider troops in war. Must have Shelob as Ruler of Nan Ungol or Dol Guldur.