(Archived) Races

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Race Name Health Lore Info
Human 30 They are the second of the children of Ilúvatar and are burdened with the gift of men. Unlike many other races they are mortal and thus can die of sickness.
Elf 30 The First of the children of Ilúvatar they are considered to be the wisest and fairest of any race in Arda. Unlike humans they are not burdened by sickness or old age.
Dwarf 30 The greediest of the all the races of middle earth they were created by Aulë because Aulë didnt want to wait for his father, Ilúvatar to create creatures to teach his lore and crafts. They are also known as masters of stone and when sauron tried to control the dwarf lords with the rings they were able to not be corrupted by them due to their stubbornness. Dwarves tend to be slightly shorter than man and average around 4.6 feet tall.
Hobbits 30 Hobbits are the weakest race in middle earth the average hobbit lives 100 years but it is not uncommon for them to live three times that long. They are the smallest peoples in middle earth known for their wholeheartedness and love for peace.
Orc 30 Enslaved and tortured Elves that have been corrupted by the darkness. Orcs are the primary foot soldiers for the armies of evil. They were first formed from Elves and Humans but are now bred on their own.
Petty-Trolls 30 Trolls are a very large race of beings and for the most part are as unintelligent as they come. They average from 10-50 feet tall. They are apart of the dark lords armies. These were born in mockery of the Ents, Trolls were made from Stone in darkness and therefore in the light they turn back to what they once were. These ones are weaker than their counterpart
Trolls 35 Trolls are a very large race of beings and for the most part are as unintelligent as they come. They average from 10-50 feet tall. They are apart of the dark lords armies. These were born in mockery of the Ents, Trolls were made from Stone in darkness and therefore in the light they turn back to what they once were.
Nazgûl 35 Humans corrupted by the controlled by Sauron they were the original human kings that were given the rings. Nine he gave to Mortal Men, proud and great, and so ensnared them. Long ago they fell under the dominion of the One, and they became Ringwraiths, shadows under his great Shadow, his most terrible servants.
Ent 40 Created by Yavanna to defend the forest and trees against the other races of middle earth. These creations were named the Shepherds of the Forests and its creatures.
Istari 40 Five maiar spirits were sent to middle earth to aid the free folks of middle earth but were banned from using their full power by the Valar for fear of consequences from it. They came in as old and wise men to convince the Free Peoples that they are peaceful and not there to take over.
Maiar 50 A powerful being, sent to either aid the free peoples or corrupted by Morgoth into doing his bidding.
Valar 100 The Valar are primordial spirits there are 14 in Arda that helped with its creation, the rest have stayed in the Timeless Halls daring not to be trapped in their own creation. One of the Valar is known as Morgoth the one who put in all evil that exists in Arda.