(Archived) Settlement Buildings

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This is a large list of structures players can fit into their cities. These structures range widely from Resource production, Military buffs, or Prosperity to make your city more effective.

Note: All building requirements are in the end subject to the staff recognizing, certain requirements may be ignore, or certain builds may be denied even if they 'pass' all the minimum requirements.

Prosperity Structures

Prosperity buildings give prosperity to your city. Prosperity is measured in percentages, and can increase the amount of resources your town could normally produce. For example, at +50% prosperity, 2 coal mines would produce 3 outputs of coal every week.

Unfortunately, the way the plugin currently works, prosperity provides no added benefits until a town has buildings reaching a prosperity 'milestone' that maths out to a whole number. For example, with 2 coal mines and +35% prosperity, your town would not provide 1.35x as much coal, but instead . If you are stacking prosperity in a town for the buffs, do your best to reach the next 'milestone' for the resources you are producing, either by increasing prosperity or by adding more buildings. By adding a 3rd coal mine in the provided example, the town would now produce 4 outputs instead of 3, because 3 x 1.35 = ~4

Some regions have buffs towards different materials if a faction controls the entire region. For example, any faction that controls the entire Iron Hills region, gets a free +50% prosperity buff applied to all iron mines (and nothing else) in towns in the region.

Prosperity only effects raw resource producer buildings. These are buildings that provide materials such as ore, stone, lumber, crops, flowers, fish, and animal products. If a building benefits from added prosperity, the category it is in will say so at the top.

There are negative prosperity buildings which reduce raw resource production. These buildings do not affect Monetary structures, only raw resource buildings. Consider carefully before adding negative prosperity buildings, because they too work on the milestone system: with even -1%, for example, 1 wheat farm and 3 fisheries would provide no wheat and only 2 outputs of fish each week.

Structure Description Effect Pre-requisite Housing req Limit
Recreational Structures A structure where the local population goes to enjoy themselves, This can be things such as Gardens, Libraries, Churches or Taverns, etc +2% Prosperity - +1 House 1 variation per Town (No double Libraries)
Greater Recreational Structures A grand structure where the local population goes to enjoy themselves, these buildings have to be grand in size, and can be things such as Arenas, Cathedrals/ Temples, Amphitheaters, A Campus +5% Prosperity Must be in a Great City +2 Houses 1 variation per Town (No double Arenas)
Estate A large house, with a large fenced/designated plot of land, multiple floors and rooms, There should be at least 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, and three additional rooms (Library, Trophy Room, Wine cellar, etc), Its property should hold some form of its own food production, such as a plantation, fishery, hunting woods +2% Prosperity Must be in a Great City Counts as a House 5 per City, 10 per Capital
Slave Pit Cages with hired slave farmhands, Torture room, Slave dwelling where they would spend their free time. +3% Prosperity Faction that allows War Crimes, or is known for slavery +1 House 2 per Town
Prison A Building with 3 or more Cages, A guards room with a table, 2 armor stands, 2 weapon racks. +3% Prosperity Cannot have a Slave Pit +1 House 1 per Town
Courthouse A large building, with a Raised up Lectern/Enchanting Table facing a table with a chair, Behind the table and chair are multiple benches +5% Prosperity Must be in a Great City +1 House 1 per Town
Monument A large fancy structure to show off the grandeur of the Kingdom (Heavily Regulated on looks) +10% Prosperity Must be in a Capital +1 House 1 per Faction
Alley/Thieves Den A shadowy alley, this area/build serves as a meeting ground for thieves, smugglers, cutthroats. -5% Prosperity, +1 Common Income Must be in a Great City, must have 4 Resource Buildings - 3 per Town
Black Market Bazaar Operating in a Secluded section of the City, this functions as a Market where illegal goods are bought and sold. Such as Exotic Animals, Stolen Artifacts and items not found in legitimate markets -10% Prosperity, +1 Common income, +2 market slots Must be in a Great City, must have 4 Resource Buildings - 1 per Town
Smugglers Wharf A dockyard, either hidden or on the outskirts, where smugglers would unload contraband, and transport them into the city. -10% Prosperity, +2 Common Income, +1 market slot Must be in a Great City, must have 4 Resource Buildings and a Dockyard - 1 per Town
Beggar's Hideout/Sewer Beneath the City, a network of tunnels and chambers, that can house various illicit activites such as theft or espionage, using the guise of espionage -10% Prosperity, -6 Housing requirements Must be in a Great City, must have 4 Resource Buildings - 1 per Town
Slums A network of houses that unlike regular housing requirements of "Being livable" these dont follow those rules -1% Prosperity per Slum House, Up to 20 Houses can be slums Must be in a Great City, must have 4 Resource Buildings Counts as a House 2 slum collections per Town (40 houses total)

Monetary Structures

Monetary buildings produce you direct money as a result of trade or other functionalities.

None of the buildings in this category benefit from added prosperity.

Money comes in Common - Rare - Expensive - Exotic and Bank amounts. Worth of various resources can be found under the Resource Structures at the bottom of the page

Structure Description Effect Pre-requisite Housing req Limit
Royal Mint A large production building, where the faction would mint silver or gold into currency Makes Bank Income Must only be in Capital +1 House 1 per Faction
Bank Come up with a design that would best fit the faction Makes Bank Income Royal Mint, Can only be in Great Cities +1 House 1 per Town
Tax Collector Come up with a design that would best fit the faction Makes money depending on how many cities are within the same Region (Does not stack) Royal Mint, Can only be in Great Cities +1 House 1 per Town
Raiding Camp Several tents, each with a armor stand and weapon rack (bow or melee works) A bigger tent in the middle with variations of loot. and a Command table Makes Bank Income Must border an 'Enemy' Faction

Cannot be in Great Cities

+1 House 1 per Town
Market Either min of 4 stalls containing various traders and their goods, or a collection of Tradesman buildings, with 2 Stalls (Traders will only be spawned in Tradesmen Buildings) Can be used to sell up to 3 resources None +1 House 1 per Town

Military Structures

Military buildings can provide unique benefits to their faction in relation to warfare. None of the buildings in this category benefit from added prosperity.

Structure Description Effect Pre-requisite Housing Req Limit
Conscription Office 5 Tables and chairs, 3 Armor stands, 3 Weapon racks, 2 faction banners Spawns a Garrison Spawner (Max of 4 garrisons per City) Can be upgraded with Training Arena Must be a Human, Elf, Dwarf or Hobbit Faction +1 House -
Orc Pit A sparring room where orcs would fight, 5 orc beds, 4 Armor stands, 4 Weapon racks Spawns a Garrison Spawner (Max of 4 garrisons per City) Can be upgraded with Uruk Pit Must be an Orcish Faction +1 House -
Training Arena Sparring area (clear area for an arena), 3 straw dummies, 5 weapon racks (wood swords), archery range Adds 100 Conquest during war (Main Faction only) Conscription Office (Same Town) +1 House -
Uruk Pit 8 Beds, 8 Armor stands, 8 weapon racks, Sparring arena, Cauldron with water. Adds 100 Conquest during war (Main Faction only) Orc Pit (Same Town) +1 House -
Barracks 8 beds, 8 chests, 5 armor stands, 5 weapon racks, faction crafting table. Summons one hired "elite" soldier in battle. (No-cooldown summon item)

Max of 5 Units per Faction

Training Arena (Same Town) +1 House -
Fighting Pit An arena-like area, 5 Armor stands, 5 Weapon racks, Barrel with Orc drought. Summons one hired "elite" soldier in battle. (No-cooldown summon item)

Max of 5 Units per Faction

Uruk Pit (Same Town) +1 House -
Hospital A building with 2 rooms, 1 Room with 8 beds (all separated), 2 Reed baskets with athelas potions or jungle remedies and shelves, other room with shelves, 2 barrels, 2 tables with chairs Gives all same faction players a 'Bandage' in War Cannot have a Medical Tent/ Hut or House +1 House -
Medical Tent/ Hut/ House Shelves, 4 beds for the sick, 2 reed baskets with some athelas potions or jungle remedies, 2 tables with chairs Gives a player in the same faction a 'Bandage' in War Cannot have a Hospital +1 House -
Stable/ Animal Pits A stables, must contain 4 Horses equipped with staddles, each horse has a haybale and couldron with water Upgrades the Levy (or upgraded) garrison to provide Mounted Units Atleast 1 Conscription office per stable - Max 2 per City
Troll Warrens Large underground room, treasure piles, skulls, waste blocks. Allows to bring 1 additional Troll to war (One Headed)

(Isengard, Gundabad and Half trolls use Angmar Trolls)

Must be an Orcish Faction +1 House Max 3 per faction
Captains Dwelling A dwelling with 1 armor stand 2 weapon racks, bed, chest, faction crafting table, oven, window. Allows your town to hold a Captain of your faction - +1 House -
Siege Workshop A building where the siege weapon is produced/built along with its components and materials Allows you to bring 1 Siege Engine/Bomb to war (Max of 4) Can be upgraded with a Iron, Orc Steel Foundry to produce Cast Iron Balls - +1 House 1 per Town
Siege Defense Station A 6x6 Building filled with 7 chests, 3 Crafting tables and 2 Reed baskets. Piles of Bricks and logs nearby. Allows the town to use a stack of cobble and 2 Stacks of planks to rebuild defenses in war. Must have Palisade or Walls +1 House 2 per Town
Walls Walls, can either be Stonelike or Palisades. No Effect - +1 House -
River Checkpoint A bridge crossing a river with a raised water gate (bars or fences just above the water) 1 Small tower on Each side of the Bridge with a Table, Chair, Armor stand and Bow Forces Naval Invasions to first fight through the checkpoint Must be on a Major River (Rivers wider than 2 pixels on the map) +1 House 1 per Town
Royal Armorer Must contain a forge with lava, unsmeltery, cauldron with water, anvil, faction crafting table. Must have 5 Armor Sets equipped with the Factions Armor and a weapon rack with a blacksmith hammer Increases the Faction Gear Durability by 1 Rank out of maximum 4 Ranks

[Calculation used; (1000-BaseDurability) *1/4]

Must be built in a Great City +1 House Max 1 per City, Total of 4 per faction

Miscellaneous Structures

These buildings are set here as they do not fit in any other category. None of the buildings in this category benefit from added prosperity.

Structure Description Effect Pre-requisite Housing Req Limit
Roads Either a dirt path road, or an upgraded cobbled road with lanterns lighting up the road, have these paths/roads connect up to every building in the city. If Dirt Paths: -1 Housing Requirement

If Cobbled Roads: -2 Housing Requirement

Must be in a Settlement or City.

Cobbled Roads can only be in Great Cities or Capitals. Doesnt apply as a Structure

- -
Embassy A room with large table and chairs, multiple banners of both home faction and hosted faction, Diplomatic actions require no upkeep for the faction it is built in.

(Most effective when built in both factions).

Must be in a Great City +1 House 1 per Province
LightHouse A towering structure, with a big light-source at the top. Must be near the coast by the Harbor. Permits Warships to be stored in the harbor for naval wars. Harbor, Doesnt apply as a Structure - -
Harbor Harbor, multiple docks leading into the water. Allows you to colonize over water - +1 House 1 per City
Tradesman Must look like a trader works there, and contain related blocks. (Example: Stone Mason has hammer and picks, chisels, stone blocks lying around), Merchants should have a wagon with some baskets Allows the building to contain a trader, Merchant or slaver of your faction or a faction you have a trade agreement with. Town must have 6 existing recognized houses +1 House -
Brewery A building with large barrels, and 6 smaller barrels brewing an alcoholic drink. 2 tables with 4 chairs and cups with the drink. Nullifies a Prerequisite (Lumberyard or Cropfarms only) | Can be Sold to Markets (Common), (Rare) if Upgraded If upgrading Brewery, Consumes 1 Crop Farm +1 House -
Scroll Master A building two rooms one has multiple bookshelves while the other would have a Chair, Desk and 2 chests with some scrolls held within Generates an item that can be redeemed into Good scrolls Library, Must be in a Great City +1 House 4 per Faction
Army Camp An area with 8 tents, each with a bed and barrel, Two smithies, Surrounded by a Palisade or Wall. Generates 2 sets of maxed armor that can only be equipped on troops. Scroll master, Foundry or Steel/Bronzeworks equivalent of the armor, Must be in a Great City +1 House -

Resource Structures

Here will be several lists of resource structures.

Various Plants and Food Production. All buildings in this category (besides the windmill) benefit from added prosperity.
Structure Requirements Pre-requisite Housing Production Value Limit
Windmill A windmill building, used to replace farmhouses in Crop/Flax Farms (1 Windmill per 2 farms) Atleast 1 Crop/Flax Farm (Not Consumed), , Doesnt apply as Structure -- -- -- --
Crop Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 200 planted of edible crops (50 + 2 large built mushrooms for mushroom farms) (40 if a large foodtype such as melons) Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome + 1 House Produces 5 stacks of Crops Common --
Hunting Lodge (Crop farm) A hunting hut within a forest, contains 1 barrel, 1 bed, 1 crafting table, an Armor stand and Weaponrack with hunting equipment and some tanning racks. Must be in a Forest Biome or Sub-biome + 1 House Produces 2 stacks of Leather/Fur Common --
Fishery (Crop Farm) Docks leading into the water, a small fishing boat. A Fishers house that should contain 2 reed baskets, barrel, and a crafting table. Must be on a lake, river or Ocean + 1 House Produces 2 stacks of Fish Common --
Animal Farm (Crop Farm) A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), has a animal pen containing the farmed animal. Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome + 1 House Produces 3 stacks of Meat Common --
Flax or Reed Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), 200 planted crops of Flax or Reeds. Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome + 1 House Produces 5 stacks of Crops Common --
Weed-Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), 200 planted crops of pipe-weed. Must be in Shire or Bree (Plains only) + 1 House Produces 2 stacks of Crops Rare --
Florist A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), A hoe and a Shears, A garden of flowers among other grasses and weeds (If you want haradric flowers, plant haradric only flowers) Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome + 1 House Produces 64-128 of the flowers planted Common --
Herbgarden A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table. A garden with 25 Athelas Planted among other grasses and weeds Crop Farm + 1 House Produces 12 Athelas Expensive 3 per faction (+2 On meneltarma)
Apothecary A building with 3 chests, 1 barrel, some shelves and table, Chests or surrounding areas should contain Poison Bottles, Poison Berries etc. A garden outside with Wildberry bushes among other grasses and weeds Cannot be in a Bleak Region + 1 House Can be used to upgrade a Fletcher -- 2 per faction
Raw production resources, such as Lumber, Clay and Stone. All buildings in this category benefit from added prosperity.
Structure Requirements Pre-requisite Housing Production Value Limit
Lumberyard Contains a Lumberyard workers hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table, has felled trees surrounding area Must be in a Forest Biome or Sub-biome + 1 House Produces 12 stacks of logs Common --
Open Pit Quarry A deep pit to mine stone with steps leading down into it, workers hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Has some cut stone lying in piles nearby. Must be in a Hills Biome or Sub-Biome.

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 20 Stacks of stone Common --
Clay Quarry A workers hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Piles of hard clay, Multiple large clay mounds that naturally spawn, a tool shack with 5 pics on weapon racks Must be in a area that naturally spawns "Clay Mounds"

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 20 Stacks of Hardened Clay Common --
Clay Pits A workers hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Piles of clay on the riverbank, a tool shack with 5 shovels on weapon racks Must be by a river, or lake

Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 6 stacks of clay/red clay blocks Common --
Charcoal Kiln A structure with atleast 4 Forges/ Furnaces, 2 Faction Crafting Tables, 2 Racks with shovels and piles of lumber outside. 2 Lumberyards +3 Houses Produces 4 Stacks of Coal Common --
Mines and Collection buildings for various ores and other hard resources. All buildings in this category benefit from added prosperity.
Structure Requirements Pre-requisite Housing Production Value Limit
Salt Deposits A small pit on the surface, with rock salt and salt blocks scattered about, Must have a workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Must on an Ocean Biome's shore

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 3.5 Stacks of Salt Expensive 2 per Faction
Coal Mine A mine entrance branching off to different shafts leading to large ore veins, OR a large central cavern with platforms connecting to large ore veins, workers hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 4 Stacks of Coal Common 4 per Town (Except Capitals)
Common Gem Mine A mine entrance branching off to different shafts leading to large ore veins, OR a large central cavern with platforms connecting to large ore veins, workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Elven biomes for Edhelvir, Dol Guldur, Angmar or Mordor for Gulduril, Harad Mountains/ Arid Hills for Lapis

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 3 Stacks of Gulduril, Durnor or Edhelvir Expensive 4 per Town (Except Capitals)
Obsidian Mine Workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table, Piles of Obsidian gravel, surrounded by dried out volcanic pits Must be in Volcanic Biome

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 4 Stacks of Obsidian Shards Rare 4 per Town (Except Capitals)
Metals Mine A mine entrance branching off to different shafts leading to large ore veins, OR a large central cavern with platforms connecting to large ore veins, workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome.

Mines can only produce resources that spawn in the biome they are in, (Mordor biome cant mine Iron, Copper, etc.)
Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 2 stacks of Ore, 1 Stack for Gold Ore Rare 4 per Town (Except Capitals)
Precious Metals Mine A mine entrance branching off to different shafts leading to large ore veins, OR a large central cavern with platforms connecting to large ore veins, workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+1 House Produces 2 stacks of Silver Ore or 1 stack of Gold Ore Expensive 3 per Faction
Gem Mine A mine entrance branching off to different shafts leading to large ore veins, OR a large central cavern with platforms connecting to large ore veins, workers Hut that has 6 beds, 6 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Volcanic Regions

Lumberyard and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces a random number of Gems Or 3 stacks of lapis Exotic 3 per faction
Khazad-dum Mine A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, has mithril blocks and silver piles lying around.

Digging too deep can have consequences

Must be Located in one of the two Moria provinces (245 and 244), Only Dwarven factions can construct this building.

Coal Mine/ Kiln, Lumberyard, Iron Foundry, and Crop Farm

+ 1 House Produces 12 Mithril Exotic 3 per Faction
Refined resource production, that heavily rely on other resource production
Structure Requirements Pre-requisite Housing Production Value Limit
Thatcher a workers Hut that has a Hoe, 3 reed baskets piles of hay bales, reed blocks and thatch. A cauldron filled with water Crop Farm and Reed Farm + 1 House Produces 4 Stacks Common --
Tailor 5 Reed Baskets filled with leather and string, a frame with shears, a crafting table. Hunting Lodge, and Crop farm + 1 House 1 small and 1 medium bag Expensive --
Fletcher Archery Targets, Bows on racks, 4 reed baskets filled with arrows, crafting table, 4x4 Building. Lumberyard, Can be Upgraded with Apothecary (Same City) + 1 House Produces 5 stacks of Arrows, Poisoned if Upgraded Common --
Metal Foundry A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, a chest, and the Metal blocks lying around in piles (Iron, Tin, Copper, or Orc Steel). Metal Mine, Lumberyard + 2 Houses Produces 3 Stacks Rare for Tin and Copper, Expensive for Iron equivalent --
Steelworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, a chest, and steel blocks lying around in piles. Iron Foundry, Coal Mine/Kiln, , Lumberyard + 2 House Produces 4 stacks Expensive --
Silversmith A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, a chest, and silver blocks lying around in piles. Silver Mine, Lumberyard + 2 Houses 3 stacks of Silver Ingots Exotic --
Goldsmith A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, a chest, and gold blocks lying around in piles. Gold Mine, Lumberyard + 2 Houses 2 stacks of Gold Ingots Exotic --
Bronzeworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, a chest, and bronze blocks lying around in piles. Tin Mine, Copper Mine, Lumberyard + 2 Houses 4 Stacks of Bronze Expensive --
Morgul Foundry A large room with a minimum of 4 forges. Should contain lava, an anvil, a cauldron filled with water, and a chest, as well as gulduril blocks, orc steel blocks, and morgul steel blocks lying around. Gulduril Mine, Orc Mine and Lumberyard + 2 Houses 3 stacks of Morgul Steel Expensive --

Empire and Federation Structures

Structure Requirements Pre-requisite
Federation Embassy A Large building with large table and chairs, multiple banners and equipment representing both the home faction and hosted factions. Must be in a Great City or Capital
Imperial Bastion A Large building, with large table and chairs, and the banners and equipment representing the Overlord. Must be in a Great City or Capital
Imperial Garrison A military camp with a palisade surrounding the area, has 10 Tents, each with a bed and chest. A barracks with 8 beds, 4 Armor stands and 4 Weapon racks with Faction armor and weapons. a Commanders Headquarters, which could be a really big tent, needs a command table, and table with several seats. A storehouse with 8 chests, 4 barrels and 1 crafting table. Max one per Town or Outpost
Rebellion Hideout An outpost with a Minimum 2 block thick wall surrounding the area, has 8 Tents, each with a bed and chest. A barracks with 8 beds, 4 Armor stands and 4 Weapon racks with Faction armor and weapons. a Rebel Headquarters, which could be a really big tent, needs a command table, and table with several seats. A storehouse with 8 chests, 4 barrels and 1 crafting table. Must be built in Faction Core Territory/Biome