(Archived) War Rules

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All Battles have a controlled area of 1200x1200 or 800x800 blocks, if a player is to leave for too long without turning back, the War Manager is allowed to consider them retreated, and as a result the player may not return to the battle.

Note: Battles in the end are operated by War Managers, certain rules may be overruled in special cases.

Land Wars

Field Battle

This battle is always guaranteed to happen at least once per province

Make-shift forts: Before the battle a faction leader can notify the War Manager that they wish to build a makeshift fort at the cost of 10k Silver Coins These forts can be broken by hand regardless if its a wall or gate. (The player must notify a War Manager 1 hour prior to the battle if they wish to build one)

Defenders can construct minor fortifications, dig a trench in the dirt or chop down the trees, Minor fortifications consist of fences, barricades max 2 blocks tall, Trenches can be a max of 2 blocks deep and may not be covered to create a tunnel.

Siege Weapons: You can bring max of 4 Siege Engines, Orc bombs are not permitted

Siege Battle

This battle happens when there is a Stronghold, Settlement or a Lore Build is in the province providing defenders an additional battle to defend.

This battle players are allowed to use Ropes/Ladders to climb over walls, or try punch through the gates. Attackers are not allowed to dig under or through the walls but can use explosives or Siege Weapons to damage the walls.

Siege Weapons: You can bring max of 4 Siege Engines and a max of 3 orc bombs (1 double, 2 regular / 3 regular)

Orc Bombs: They require the Primary faction to have a Gunpowder Lab to bring at least one bomb.

Siege Engines: They can have a max of 16 shots each (16 cobble per catapult, 16 spears per ballista, 16 arrow bundles per hwacha etc), Each Engine requires the Primary faction fighting to have a Siege Workshop

Defenders and Attackers are not allowed to build on top of the fort unless its some temporary defenses like a Fence to block off an area.

Note: Towns can be defended but will have a higher chance for Damages, However defending faction can surrender the town to not have it be damaged in a siege.

Great Battle

Great battles can be agreed upon by both sides if both wish to avoid the troubles of constant field and siege battles. After the battle the result will have effect on the entire province, If the attackers win they take the entire province, Defenders don't have to worry about any other battles.

Great Battles allow a default of 500 Troop points to be brought, or depending on how the two sides decide ranging from 100-750 points.

Naval Wars

This battle occurs for any uncontrolled or contested sea province, forcing both factions to bring out their fleets.

Building on your ship is forbidden unless it to to patch a hole

There are three scenarios in naval warfare:

  1. The battle is at sea, both sides will need a navy to fight, if defenders don't have one this battle is lost
  2. The battle is on a river at a River Checkpoint that blocks the attackers from passing through the river.
  3. The battle is coastal, the attackers on their ships with their cannons will siege a coast where defenders will be defending, if players have a coastal city of fort they can protect that with their own catapults.

Note: You are permitted to hold or use one boat or barrel at a time, Swimming in water without a boat or barrel, will result in you "drowning" after 30 seconds

For information about the Navy click here.

Third Parties

If a faction has no pacts with the two warring factions, and have a border neighboring the target province, the King can pay 5k Silver Coins for each member of his faction that will join the war as a third party.

They have no set goal except to survive and kill however much they want.

The two fighting factions will be announced that the Third party has entered the battle.

Siege Weapons

If your faction has siege workshops you are allowed to construct siege weapons using staff provided "siege weapon spawners". Each of these cost a specific amount of resources. (Must be provided prior to battle start)

Siege weapons once placed may not be

Ballista: 8 Rope Blocks, 64 Logs

Hwacha: 12 Iron, 64 Logs

Catapult: 64 Cobble, 128 Logs

Gear and Other Rules

Here are several rules that apply for any war at any given time:

- Players disrupting a war by either returning after death, travelling to the battle without being a participant or attempting to watch the battle without War manager approval can be temporarily banned until the battle is over.

- Main Invading or Defending faction has no limit of participating players except for the soft cap outnumbering of 5, Allies can bring a max of 5 players each. (Example: Gondor attacking Mordor can bring 10 Players but their ally Rohan can only bring 3 players in a total of 13 Players)

- Factions can outnumber their enemy by a 2:3 ratio ( 5v7.5, 6v9, 12v16, 18v24 etc), the ratio rule only applies once the player count for a side reaches 5 (Battles can be 1v5, 2v5, 3v5 etc, but once both are at 5v5, one side can start bringing more players.) In case of unfair/one-sided battles War managers have power to decide the limit on players per side

- You cannot raid someone 20 minutes before war if they are on the opposing team. (Allies are considered opposing team, volunteers are not guaranteed to participate and therefore cannot be protected by this rule.)

- If the factions cannot agree on war date within a week, staff will set it in their place. If a faction does not show up to an agreed upon date, Staff are permitted to either fight for the faction or request a player to fight for the faction with equipment provided.

- You must be in the faction 3 days prior to the war before being allowed to participate. this applies to new players.

- Players that can summon units through special abilities may not bring units they summoned outside of war, players cannot purchase more units during an ongoing battle.

- A faction can be in a single direct war at a time, this does not apply to defensive wars, however if you are in a defensive war you cannot declare an offensive one.

- If as result of a war, one or two townless provinces are disconnected from faction, they are given to the attacking faction. However if they are attached to any ally those provinces remain.

- War horns, and Rally horns are reserved to Rulers and characters, and cannot be brought by anyone else.

- Your troops can have faction related Maxed/modified armor, However rangers, Berserkers, scouts, wardens etc can only use modified armor they spawn with. you may give troops crate weapons. Bomber units of any kind cannot be given custom explosives.

- You can only use faction mounts, Wargs for orcs, Horses for men, elks for wood elves. (Nazguls can use Horses)

- Faction gear only in battles. However Mithril armor MAY be used (No Gondolin, Mallorn maces or Mithril weapons)

- Factions that do not have bows will use bows that are slightly related. Here is a list of the Factions that use other factions bows:

  • Dwarves can only use crossbows (Mithril included)
  • Dunland use Regular bows and Rohiric Bows
  • The Shire and Bree-Land can use Ranger Bows and Arnorian Gear in general

- Gondolin and Galvorn armor can only be worn by Elven Kings, Morgul Gear can only be used by Nazgul

- Major Good Aligned Characters may not participate on the same side as a Major Evil Aligned Character, For example: Gandalf, Saruman, Sauron, Nazguls etc.

- Termites are banned from use in wars.

- You can only bring water to put out fires (no climbing walls or breaking falls with water)


Truces are counted as a cooldown for an aggressor.

Attackers cannot declare another offensive war for a week after just completing one, Think of this as a faction recouping its strength if it lost, or stabilizing a region if it won.

Defenders however are permitted to declare a counter offensive war and break the truce.