Heritage (Archived)

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Heritage is what forms the factions history in the server, This can be completely different from how the lore shown and follows its own path.

Each factions actions upon the world in the server will affect its future Heritage.

Faction Heritage Description Buffs Debuffs
Gondor Stagnant Empire Growers The Empire slowly grew, and has a very stagnant history.
Mordor Decentralized Rule A history of Saurons non-interference and Isengards rule,

made the orcs less loyal to the leader of Mordor and more loyal to other

orcish factions.

Dol Amroth Evil Sympathizer A history of defending from Gondorian invasions, forced this faction to work alongside evil forces forging a Sympathy for them.
Rohan Resistance against Evil
Isengard Brutal Expansionists
Dunland Forced Refugees
Fangorn Forever Isolationist
Orcs of Moria Holders of Moria
Gundabad Angmarim Released state
Lothlorien Evil Tendencies
Arnor Human Hegemonic Imperialists
The Shire Suppressed Farmers
Rivendell Unyielding Defenders
Lindon Isolated Rulers
Blue Mountains Dwarven Unionists
Angmar Eternal Struggle
Durins Folk Internal Squabble
Woodland Realm Peaceful Nation
Dol Guldur Stagnant Nation
Dale Weak Ruling Party
Dorwinion Neutrality Supporters
Rhudel Slow Economy
Red Mountains Dwarven Seperatists
Harnennor Southron Unionists
Umbar Southron Unionists
Coast Southrons Stable Empire Growers
Gulfen Religious Seperatists
Morwaith Calm Tribal Life
Taurethrim Jungle Feudal System
Half-Trolls Mordors Shock Troops
Lossoth Trapped in Struggle