(Archived) Coalitions and Empires

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This system has been removed, this page only exists for Archive purposes

Coalitions and Empires

Coalitions: Coalition is when a group formed when two or more people. Whether it's: factions, states, political parties, militaries etc. They work together to achieve a common goal.

Empires: Empires are a group of countries under the rulership of one ruler or many. Overlords Must border their vassals, Vassals bordering Other vassals are Dominions (Doesn't apply if Nazgul State), Vassals who do Not border any other vassal or Overlord, become independent but stay within the Empire as an Ally (Mainly Affects Old Empires)


Requirements to form a Coalition: At least 2 factions willing to form a coalition.

Requirements to be in a Coalition: Cannot be in another coalition. Must be a max of 5 provinces away from an existing member.

Cost To Create: 75 Political Power from each participating Faction, will cost an additional 75 Political power from each member for a new faction to join.


Info: Closely allied group of factions that have sworn to defend each other and work together. Generally considered peaceful and defensive coalition.

  • Factions share any diplomatic Political Power costs evenly unless otherwise agreed.
  • Factions have to agree on any diplomatic actions except wars.
  • Factions can be voted out if majority of factions agree.
  • Maximum PP in bank reduced to 500.
  • Counts as trade agreement.
  • Can pass through Union's naval blockades.
  • Can share gear.
  • Can aid other Union members in defensive wars.
  • Functions as a Defense Pact (Will need to declare separate alliance treaties)
  • Can only have annexed/integrated vassals
  • Political Production Halted from all members in defensive war.


Info: Group of factions that have banded together in the name of justice and freedom to rid the world of those harmful to it.

  • Can only have integrated/annexed vassals. Cannot hold vassals or use Vassalize war goal.
  • Functions as full alliance.
  • Has a federation leader that will pay for federation-specific costs (New factions joining the Federation).
  • Federation leader can control who joins the federation.
  • Cannot share gear.
  • Cannot pass through Federation naval blockades.

Military Pact

Info: Alliance of several factions seeking to dominate. Warlike coalition that leaves little room for peaceful growth.

  • Functions Offensive Pact (Will need to declare separate alliance treaties)
  • Political Production halted from all members during wars.
  • Can pass through Military Pact's naval blockades.
  • Can share gear
  • Can have any kind of vassals


Requirements to form a Empire: Either forcefully vassalize another Country or have that Country submit willingly.

Requirements to willingly join an Empire: You must border the Faction as the Overlord or Vassal. The Empire's Ruler must approve your request to join.

Cost To Create: 100 Political Power from the Overlord Faction for every vassal


Info: Faction that has vassalized one or more factions. Control over vassals depends on the vassal's status.

  • Can use equipment from the vassalized factions. (Unless specified Otherwise)
  • Can pay 500 Political Power to Force a different vassal status.


Info: A Semi-Independent vassal, That has to pay its dues to the Overlord

  • All Resources produced will go to the Overlord
  • Can make diplomatic actions independently if they do not oppose the Overlord
  • Can get their own Ruler without the Overlords involvement
  • Overlord does not have to come to the Tributary's Aid in an Offensive War
  • Tributaries can fight other Tributaries and the Overlord CANNOT interfere


Info: A vassal state primarily used for its military capabilities.

  • Cannot produce Political Power
  • Cannot do diplomacy except rebellion/ Independence
  • Overlord can use this factions troops
  • Can use Overlords Gear and Troops
  • Overlord can bring a Rally Horn of the March for each March member fighting in a battle
  • The Ruler must be approved by their Overlord.
  • Can be forced by the overlord to go to war (Using Overlord Political Power)

Client State

Info: A puppet state, cant really do much and has reduced political autonomy

  • -50% Political Power production. Overlord gets the amount lost.
  • Can get their own Ruler without the Overlords involvement
  • Can be forced by the overlord to go to war (Using personal Political Power)

Custom Agreement Vassal

Info: A custom agreement made by the Overlord and the Vassal. The Agreement can include:

  • How Political Power is Spent/ Produced
  • How are resources spent/ Produced
  • How are Rulers made (If there is any interference by the Overlord)

Note: (Custom Vassal Agreement has to be approved by an Admin+)

Disconnected Puppet

Info: Forms as a result of the empire losing connection to a faction, or a recently reformed Coalition where factions were originally disconnected

  • Can get their own Ruler without the Overlords involvement
  • Can form separate treaties
  • Cannot use Overlord Troops or Gear
  • Overlord cannot use Puppet Troops or Gear
  • Cannot be forced into Different vassal Status
  • Immediately forced into a vassal status once connected to the Empire.
  • If a Good faction is vassalized by and Evil faction, they can immediately leave.


Info: A faction that has no land and has been consumed by their overlord

  • Overlord can use this factions troops
  • Can use Overlords Gear and Troops
  • Cannot produce Political Power
  • Cannot be forced into Different vassal Status
  • The Ruler must be approved by their Overlord.
  • Cannot do diplomacy except rebellion/ Independence

Shadow State

Info: A faction that has fallen under the dark grasp of Sauron and his Servants

  • All political power goes to the Nazguls Overlord (Sauron, Saruman, WItchking, Khamul)
  • All diplomacy is done by the Overlord
  • Can use Overlord troops and Gear
  • Overlord CANNOT use the vassals Troops or Gear (Unless its an Evil Faction)
  • If a good faction loses their Nazgul King, the Vassal becomes a 'Disconnected Vassal' regardless of Position
  • Elves cannot succumb to Saurons Influence



Factions are able to reform their existing Coalition or Empire.

To reform from an Empire to a Coalition it will cost the Overlord 1000 Political Power

To reform from a Coalition to an Empire it will cost 100 Political Power from Each member and each member agreeing to it.


Info: Integration is when two Countries want to unite under one banner, and become one.

  • The Overlord can appoint a ruler without requiring alignment. These will not have any diplomatic power.

Requirements to Integrate: The factions must have very similar cultural similarities. For example: Rivendell and Lindon or Gundabad and Orcs of Moria. The two Country Leaders must provide Staff a logical and lore-friendly reason on why the two Countries should merge.

Cost: 300 Political Power From the faction that's integrating the other.


  • Overlords of an Empire can decide to declare wars through its vassal factions with or without their agreement.
  • Historic Rivals cannot vassalize each other (Mordor-Gondor, Taurethrim-Morwaith, Isengard-Rohan, Dunland-Rohan, Dwarves-Gundabad)

Existing Empires:

Name Overlord Vassal(s)
Valinorian Imperial Hegemony(Example) Valinor Middle Earth
Dark Legion Mordor Angmar, Mountain Orcs
Arnorian Reich Arnor Bree-Land, Shire

Existing Coalitions:

Name Leader Members Type
Gwend un Erain Lindon Lindon, Rivendell, Lothlorien, Wood Elves, Dorwinion Federation