(Archived) Recognized Settlements

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Settlements are divided into 4 Tiers, each tier will require more housing and more public farms to support the residents. The higher the tier the more specialized your buildings can be. Make sure your town is aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Political towns only produce Political Power. While Resource towns will produce Resources

  • Tier 1 Settlements only produce 10 Political power per week.
  • Tier 2 Settlements only produce 20 Political power per week.
  • Tier 3 Settlements only produce 30 Political power per week.
  • Capitols produce 50 Political Power per week

All armor stands and weapons racks in requirements must be filled with faction related gear.


Houses requirement increase the larger the settlement is, or the more specialized builds are located within. There are 3 groups of housing each which have a requirement for Public Farms or Crop Farms to sustain the houses. (Crop farms dont need the housing requirement, but dont produce resources)

  • Small Houses (Slums) Every 7 Houses require 1 Farm
  • Medium Houses (Homes) Every 5 Houses require 1 Farm
  • Large Houses (Mansions) Every 2 Houses require 1 Farm.

Tier 1 Requirements (Settlement)

Main Requirements

  • 1 Council Hall
  • Walls (Optional)
  • 10 Small Houses
  • 1 Water Well/ 1 water source

Specific Requirements.

  • 3-4 Tier 1 Structures

Gets 2 Npc Spawners

Tier 2 Requirements (Town)

Main Requirements

  • 1 Town Hall/ Lords Hall
  • Walls
  • 3 Medium Houses
  • 8 Small Houses
  • 1 Water Well/ 1 water source

Specific Requirements.

  • 3 Tier 1 Structures
  • 1-3 Tier 2 Structures
  • 0-1 Tier 3 Structures

Gets 3 Npc Spawners

Tier 3 Requirements (City)

Main Requirements

  • 1 City Hall/ Lords Hall
  • Walls
  • 2 Large Houses
  • 2 Medium Houses
  • 8 Small Houses
  • 2 Water Wells/ 1 water source

Specific Requirements.

  • 3 Tier 1 Structures
  • 2-4 Tier 2 Structures
  • 1-2 Tier 3 Structures

Gets 4 Npc Spawners


These cities can be built a maximum of 1 per faction, They can produce both resources and Political power.

You need the maximum requirements of a T3 City and at least one additional structure. You can constantly update the town to hold additional buildings

Adding additional Buildings will require additional Housing

Tier 1 Structures require 1 Small house

Tier 2 Structures require 1 Medium house

Tier 3 Structures require 1 Large house

Basic Structures

Main Structures

Structure Tier Requirements Effect
Council Hall -- A room containing a large table, chairs and a large chair for the Governor/ Lawspeaker --
Town Hall -- Similar to a Council hall but is larger --
City Hall -- Parliament-type building, large amount of chairs surrounding one large speaking area where a leading figure would pass laws --
Lords Hall -- A throne-room with a throne, must have 2 dining tables with plates and drink. --
Small House -- Must be minimum 4x4 (inside), has an open fire or oven. a bed, barrel, factions crafting table and Window (unless in cave) --
Medium House -- Must be 7x7 (Inside), has an oven, storage room(3 Chests and 1 barrel), 2 Beds, Faction crafting table, and 2 windows (unless in cave) --
Large House -- Must have minimum of 2 rooms, has a table with chairs, an oven and faction crafting table, storage (4 chests, 2 barrels, 1 regular crafting table), 4 Beds, and 4 windows (unless in a cave) --
Public Farm -- A small farmhouse (3x3 inside) to store farming material, 25 Crops. Farmhouse must contain 2 chests and 1 crafting table. (Can be underground with cave shrooms for orcs, a mix between shrooms and dwarf wort for dwarves) --
Water Well -- A well that goes down 16 blocks and filled with water. --
Water Source -- A source of fresh water, such as River, Lake, underground lake. --
Walls -- Minimum 4 blocks tall, can be a "palisade" of beams or logs, or a brick wall for better defense

Tier 1 Structures:

Structure Requirements Effect Pre-requisite Race
Conscription Office 5 Tables and chairs, 3 Armor stands, 3 Weapon racks, 2 faction banners No Effect None Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits
Orc Pit A sparring room where orcs would fight, 5 orc beds, 4 Armor stands, 4 Weapon racks No Effect None Orcs
Troll Warrens Large underground room, treasure piles, skulls, waste blocks. Allows to bring 1 additional Troll to war (One Headed)

(Max 3 per Federation, Faction or Empire)

None Orcs
Church Come up with your own style and design that makes sense for the faction. (Maximum 1 per town) Produces 10 Political Power (Can be either focus) None Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits
Shrine Come up with your own style and design that makes sense for the faction. (Maximum 1 per town) Produces 5 Political Power (Can be either focus) None Orc, Dwarf
Library Come up with your own style and design that makes sense for the faction. No Effect None All
Zoo Several enclosed pens for animals of foreign origin, the pens must have livable conditions. No Effect None All
Medical Tent/ Hut/ House Shelves, 4 beds for the sick, 2 reed baskets with some athelas potions or jungle remedies, 2 tables with chairs No Effect None All

Tier 2 Structures

Structure Requirements Effect Pre-requisite Race
Uruk Pit 8 Beds, 8 Armor stands, 8 weapon racks, Sparring arena, Cauldron with water. Adds 100 Conquest during war (Main Faction only) Orc Pit (Same Town) Orcs
Warg Pit A pit in the ground with waste blocks scattered, thatch flooring, 4 wargs in saddes, and 3 cauldrons with water Allows an additional player to bring a mount (If they are part of the faction that contains this build) None Orcs
Ranger Hide-out A underground room, must contain 3 armor stands of ranger gear, 1 crafting table, 5 beds, 3 chests. WIP Conscription Office (Same Town) Human
Training Arena Sparring area (clear area for an arena), 3 straw dummies, 5 weapon racks (wood swords), archery range Adds 100 Conquest during war (Main Faction only) Conscription Office (Same Town) Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits
Stable A stables, must contain 4 Horses equipped with staddles, each horse has a haybale and couldron with water Allows an additional player to bring a mount (If they are part of the faction that contains this build) None (Training Pit for Infantry level troops) Human, Elf, Hobbits
Boar Farm A barn with 4 boars equipped with saddles, each horse has a haybale and cauldron with water Allows an additional player to bring a mount (If they are part of the faction that contains this build) None Dwarf
Brewery Come up with your own style and design that makes sense for the faction. None yet... None All
Slave Pit Cages with hired slave farmhands, Torture room, Slaver dwelling where they would spend their free time. Allows your town to get a Slaver None Orcs
Smithy Must contain a forge, unsmeltery, cauldron with water, anvil, faction crafting table and a Armor stand with a weapon rack. Allow your town to get a Smith None All
Traders Guild Must look like a trader works there, and contain related blocks. (Butcher contains plates of raw meat, kebab blocks, open fire oven) Allows the building to contain a trader of your faction (Trade Agreement allows other factions traders) None All
Captains Dwelling A dwelling with 1 armor stand 2 weapon racks, bed, chest, faction crafting table, oven, window. Allows your town to hold a Captain of your faction None All
Prison WIP (You can come up with your own design) Work in progress. None All
Treasure Pit WIP (You can come up with your own design) Work in progress None Orc, Dwarf
Siege Workshop Uncompleted Siege Weapon, with ammo lying around. (Look in /warp SiegeEngines for examples)(Ammo for hwacha can be stored in reed baskets), a 6x6 Building, 3 Crafting tables, rack with a blacksmith hammer Allows you to bring 1 Siege Engine to war (Max of 5)

Max of one building per town

None All
Siege Defense Station A 6x6 Building filled with 7 chests, 3 Crafting tables and 2 Reed baskets. Piles of Bricks and logs nearby. Allows the town to use a stack of cobble and 2 Stacks of planks to rebuild defenses in war. None All

Tier 3 Structures

Structure Requirements Effect Pre-requisite Race
Barracks 8 beds, 8 chests, 5 armor stands, 5 weapon racks, faction crafting table. Summons one hired "elite" soldier in battle. (No-cooldown summon item)

Max of 3 Units per battle

Training Arena (Same Town) Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits
Fighting Pit An arena-like area, 5 Armor stands, 5 Weapon racks, Barrel with Orc drought. Summons one hired "elite" soldier in battle. (No-cooldown summon item)

Max of 6 Units per battle

Uruk Pit (Same Town) Orcs
Gunpowder Lab Room with a faction crafting table, forge, tables and 16 orc bombs lying around. Allows you to bring 1 orc bomb to war in sieges. None All
Cathedral Come up with your own style and design that makes sense for the faction. (Maximum 1 per town) Produces 15 Political Power (Can be either focus) None All
Embassy A room with large table and chairs, multiple banners of both home faction and hosted faction Diplomatic actions between the two factions have no upkeep None All
Harbor Harbor, multiple docks leading into the water. Allows you to contain Ships within it. These ships are usable in Naval Warfare. None All
Warehouse WIP WIP WIP Nobody (WIP)
Monument A large fancy structure to show off the grandeur of the Kingdom (Heavily Regulated on looks) Produces 25 Political Power and allows the Owner of the town to bring an invasion Horn Must be built in a Capitol All

Resource Structures

Tier 1

Structure Requirements Location Requirement Pre-requisite Housing Race Limit
Fishery (Crop Farm) Docks leading into the water, a small fishing boat. Fishers house, contains 2 reed baskets, barrel, crafting table. Must be on a lake, river or Ocean None + 2 Small Houses All --
Lumberyard Contains a Lumberyard workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table, has felled trees surrounding area Must be in a Forest Biome or Sub-biome None + 2 Small Houses All --
Weed-Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 50 planted crops of pipe-weed Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House Hobbits --
Flax or Reed Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 50 planted crops of Flax or Reeds Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House All --
Morgul Garden A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 20 Morgul Flowers planted Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House Orcs (Angmar) (Can be captured by other orcs) --
Shroom Farm (Crop Farm) A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 15 Morgul or Regular Shrooms planted. Must be underground in Mountain Province or Mordor None + 1 Small House Orcs (Mordor, Misty Orcs, Angmar) --
Crop Farm A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 50 planted of edible crops Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House All --
Open Pit Quarry A deep pit to mine stone with steps leading down into it, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Hills Biome or Sub-Biome Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits, Orcs --
Chicken Farm (Crop Farm) A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), has a animal pen cointaining chickens Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House All --
Cow Farm (Crop Farm) A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside), has a animal pen cointaining cows Must be in a Plains Biome/Sub-Biome None + 1 Small House All --
Hunting Lodge (Crop farm) A hunting hut within a forest, contains 1 barrel, 1 bed, 1 crafting table. Must be in a forest, plains or hills biome. None + 1 Small House All --
Fletcher Archery Targets, Bows on racks, 4 reed baskets filled with arrows, crafting table, 4x4 Building. Must be in Plains (No forests no Hills or Montains) None + 1 Small House Human, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbits, Orcs --
Clay Pits a workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Piles of clay on the riverbank, a tool shack with 5 shovels on weapon racks Must be by a river, or lake Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses All --

Tier 2

Structure Requirements Location Requirement Pre-requisite Housing Race Limit
Salt Deposits A small pit on the surface, with rock salt and salt blocks scattered about, Must have a workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table. Must in a province adjacent to an Ocean Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses All 3
Charcoal Kiln A structure with atleast 4 Forges/ Furnaces, 2 Faction Crafting Tables, 2 Racks with shovels and piles of lumber outside. None Lumberyard +3 Small houses All
Coal Mine A mineshaft branching off to coal ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses All --
Lapis Mine A mineshaft branching off to Lapis Ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Harad Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 4 Small Houses All --
Obsidian Mine workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table, Piles of Obsidian gravel, surrounded by dried out volcanic pits Must be in Volcanic Biome Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Medium Houses All --
Edhelvir Mine A mineshaft branching off to Edhelvir ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Lothlorien, Mirkwood or Rivendell. (Hills or Mountains) Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Medium Houses All --
Gulduril Mine A mineshaft branching off to Gulduril ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Angmar, Mordor, Dol Guldur or Barrow downs (If Necromancer exists) Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Medium Houses All --
Durnor Mine A mineshaft branching off to Durnor ores and lava, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Mordor

(Hills or Mountains)

Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Medium Houses All --
Orc Mine A mineshaft branching off to Morgul Iron ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in Angmar, Dol Guldur or Mordor (Hills or Mountains) Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Small houses and 1 Medium house All --
Metals Mine A mineshaft branching off to a specific ore(Iron, Tin, Copper) , workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 2 Small houses and 1 Medium house All --
Gold Mine A mineshaft branching off to Gold ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses and 1 Medium House All 3
Silver Mine A mineshaft branching off to Silver ores, workers Hut that has 5 beds, 5 chests, 2 barrels and a crafting table Must be in a Foothills or Mountain Biome Lumberyard and Crop Farm + 3 Small Houses and 1 Medium House All 3
Apothecary 4x4 building, a fenced Morgul Flower garden or caged Spider, Two reed baskets with poisoned arrows and a crafting table, Bottles of poison in a reed basket. None Fletcher + 1 Medium Houses Evil Human, Orc --
Leather Tanner Tanning rack (Ex: Brown wool with fences on sides and item frame with leather), weapon rack with a dagger. Crafting Table, Cauldron of Water, 4x4 Building. None Must be in Plains (No forests no Hills or Montains) + 1 Medium Houses All --

Tier 3

Structure Requirements Pre-requisite Housing Race
Metal Foundry A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and Specified Metal blocks lying around in piles (Iron, Tin, Copper, Orc steel) Metal Mine + 2 Medium Houses All
Uruk Steelworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and Uruk Steel blocks lying around in piles Iron Foundry, Coal Mine/Kiln -- Orcs
Elven Steelworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and Elven Steel blocks lying around in piles Iron Foundry, Edhelvir Mine -- Elf
Dwarven Steelworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and dwarf/ Blue dwarf steel blocks lying around in piles Iron Foundry, Coal Mine/Kiln -- Dwarf
Black SteelWorks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and Gundabad Steel blocks lying around in piles Orc Foundry, Durnor Mine -- Orcs
Silversmith A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and silver blocks lying around in piles Silver Mine + 2 Medium Houses All
Goldsmith A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and gold blocks lying around in piles Gold Mine +2 Medium Houses All
Bronzeworks A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, and bronze blocks lying around in piles Tin Mine, Copper Mine, Lumberyard -- All
Morgul Foundry A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, has Gulduril blocks, orc steel blocks and morgul steel blocks lying around Morgul Garden, Gulduril Mine, Orc Mine and Lumberyard + 2 Medium Houses Orcs (Angmar, Mordor, Dol Guldur) (Can be captured by other orcs)
Khazad-dum Mine A large room with a minimum of 4 forges, contains lava, anvil, cauldron filled with water, and a chest, has mithril blocks and silver piles lying around.

Digging too deep can have consequences

Coal Mine/ Kiln, Lumberyard, Iron Foundry, and Crop Farm + 2 Large Houses, +2 Medium Houses Dwarf (Can be captured by other races)
Herbgarden A farmhouse with 2 chests and crafting table (3x3 inside). 20 specified herbs planted (Morgul for Poison Bottles, Athelas for Athelas ) Crop Farm + 1 Medium House All
Tailor 4x4 Structure, 5 Reed Baskets filled with leather and string, A frame with shears, a crafting table. Leather Tanner, and Crop farm + 1 Large House All

Troll Settlements

These settlements are more like camps,

You need at least 5 Troll dens with beds, a Fire and a Cauldron of Water in each.

You need a main Bonfire (a large fire) with logs for trolls to sit on. and cook above the fire.

A water Source.

And 2-5 Structures of any Tier.